Dream Days Catering And Events


Now you have found us, your event can start taking shape.


Dream Days offers the best affordable wedding catering menu in London, Kent, Surrey and Essex. Wherever your event takes place our team will look after and deliver you the very best possible catering for your event.

So if you need Punjabi food for your marriage then call us now 07702 245 385.

If you would like to discuss an event or have some question, please get in touch. It’s our aim to give you that ‘dream day’ you have always hoped for, so we are open to all requests and wishes.

We cater for all types of events, not just Indian Weddings. If you’re planning an event or a celebration, call our events team who will be happy to discuss your requirments.

Address: Dream Days Catering & Events,Trinity Rd, Gravesend, Kent, DA12 1NF.
Tel : 01474 887 150
Mob: 07702 245 385
Email: info@dd4you.com

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